Best Wordle Start Words


wordle best start words
Tips to win every Wordle game
  • Consider using words with lots of vowels like ADIEU, AUDIO, ABOUT, CANOE, or OUIJA as they allow for the use of three or four vowels at the start.
  • Identifying a vowel early can be advantageous since almost every Wordle answer contains at least one vowel.
  • Be cautious with words like ADIEU as they are not Wordle answers, limiting your chances of getting a correct guess.
  • While AUDIO is decent, it lacks the letter E, which is both the most common vowel and the most common letter in the game.
  • Words like CANOE may not be optimal due to the less common consonants C and N, compared to more common consonants like S, T, or R.
  • Avoid suggestions like OUIJA, which contain uncommon letters like J, reducing the likelihood of success.
  • Despite the importance of vowels, also consider consonant frequency when choosing a word.
  • Keep in mind the balance between vowels and consonants when selecting your second word.

For those who play New York Times Wordle game

Tyler Glaiel's best NYT Wordle start words:

Tyler Gaiel's best Wordle start words
Tyler Glaiel, a programmer and game designer, evaluated Wordle's 12,972 potential guesses, assigning each a score based on presence and position. After analysis, "SOARE", "ROATE", and "RAISE" were identified as optimal starting choices. Glaiel recommends "RAISE" over "ROATE" due to its inclusion in Wordle's answer list.

Bertrand Fan's choices:

Bertrand Fan's best NYT Wordle start words
Programmer Bertrand Fan's analysis yielded a list similar to Glaiel's: "SOARE", "SAREE", "SEARE", "STARE", "ROATE", Among these, "STARE" stands out statistically as the best choice, as it's not in Wordle's answer list. Interestingly, I chose "STARE" months ago, aligning with Fan's findings. This choice is supported by the frequency of letters in Wordle answers, making "STARE" the preferred start word for the team.

MIT researchers' best start word:

MIT researchers's best Wordle start words
MIT researchers favor SALET, a medieval helmet, which includes five of the top 10 letters. However, it's not as favored as STARE because "R" is the third most used letter, and "L" is the sixth. "SALET" serves as a good alternative option.

WordleBot's favorite starting words:

WordleBot's favorite starting words
The NYT's WordleBot, developed by Wordle's current team, offers its own selection of optimal start words. Initially, it calculated based on Wordle's solutions and other metrics. However, after an update in August 2022, it now estimates the probability of roughly 3,150 common English words being Wordle solutions. As a result, WordleBot now recommends "SLATE" as the best opening word, followed by "LEAST" for Hard mode. Previously, "CRANE" was considered the top choice, indicating shifts in word usage. Other recommended starting words include "DEALT" and "TRACE". Here are some of WordleBot's favorite starting words:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Wordle?

Wordle is a web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer - Josh Wardle.

Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. Wordle has a single daily solution, with all players attempting to guess the same word.

Wardle created the game to play with his partner, eventually making it public in October 2021. The game gained popularity in December 2021 after Wardle added the ability for players to copy their daily results as emoji squares, which were widely shared on Twitter.

Wordle was purchased by The New York Times Company in January 2022 for an undisclosed seven-figure sum and moved to the newspaper's Games section in February.

Source: Wikipedia
What does yellow / green / black mean in Wordle?

After every guess, each letter is marked as either green, yellow or gray:

  • green indicates that the letter is correct and in the correct position.
  • yellow means it is in the answer but not in the right position
  • black indicates it is not in the answer at all.

Multiple instances of the same letter in a guess, such as the "o"s in "robot", will be colored green or yellow only if the letter also appears multiple times in the answer; otherwise, excess repeating letters will be colored gray.

Source: Wikipedia
When does Wordle reset??

The New York Times Wordle version resets daily at midnight local time.

Wordle Space Game supports to play Wordle unlimited by reseting every time you refresh the website.

How does Wordle work?

According to Wikipedia, the mechanics are similar to the 1955 pen-and-paper game Jotto and the television game show franchise Lingo.

Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position.

How many 5-letter words are there in Wordle?

The New York Times daily Wordle game uses a word from a list of 2,309 words. Wordle uses American spelling, and players outside the US have complained that this spelling convention gives American players an unfair advantage (e.g., the use of "favor" rather than the non-US "favour") - Source: Wikipedia

Wordle Space Game uses the word bank of 5,757 words.

Where to play wordle?

New York Times Wordle version can be played at

Or you can play Wordle unlimited here at Wordle Space Game

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